
Showing posts from 2019

Planning Your Digital Marketing Tactics for 2020

This year is going to end soon and 2020 is not so far. Are you done with it or just a start up, here are some strategic points to be prepared in 2020 with your new digital marketing tactics to have new year on the top and achieve digital marketing success. Top 8 you should focus in 2020: 1. Website Design & Development 2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 3. Lead Generation 4. Social Media Marketing 5. Online Reputation Management 6. Email Marketing 7. Video marketing 8. Content Marketing  WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Your website is the appearance of your industry. This is somewhere you’re furthermost likely to be found by possible clients. Accordingly, you require being ready with a well designed and developed website, which is skilled of recalling visitors and allowing them to visit your website again.  • Secure the domain and set up SSL • Set up excellent hosting and storage • Optimize for SEO • Plan out scripts a